Who we are

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Spiros Alexopoulos | German team coordinator
Project management, tasks supervision, consulting on the scientific scope of the project.

Joachim Göttsche Dr. rer. nat. | Head of Department "Efficient Buildings and Systems"
Project controlling, ray-tracing, thermal simulation

Prof. Athanassios Argiriou | Greek team coordinator
Project management, tasks supervision, consulting on the scientific scope of the project.

Alexandros Dokouzis, Dr. | Researcher
Physicist in the Renewable Energy Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Patras. Working on optical simulations and experimental testing.

George Kosmopoulos, MSc | Researcher
Physicist, PhD candidate in LapUp. Working on financial management.

Orestis Panagopoulos, MSc | Researcher
Physicist, PhD candidate in LapUp. Working on project management, optical simulations, data analysis and experimental testing. Website author.

Kostas Katsidimas, MSc | Technician
Electrical Engineer, working on instrumentation and experimental setup.

Patrick Hilger | Co-Founder and Managing Director
Project management, tasks supervision, consulting on tracking system.

Panayis Konstantinidis | General Manager
Responsible for all the decisions regarding the cooperation of Calpak with the other partners of the project.

Stathis Xarchis | Mechanical Engineer
To be the connective link between the demands of the design and the production of the collectors